Last weekend, a very near and dear friend came in town. It was nice because it had been, oh...maybe 6 years since I had seen him last? Well anyways....we got reconnected and we had been talking for a few months now. Because he has known me for so long, it was very comfortable talking and showing him what fun you could have in our city. We might be in Indiana, but I know a few spots worth seeing!

He arrived about 6pm to which it was mass chaos at my household. I got greeted with the biggest Jimmy Hurly hug I could have ever received! It was awesome. He comes from a big Catholic family so needless to say, he fit right in with the madness. He sat down, hugged my mom and was good ole Jimmy. Then we went out for dinner and drinks. We had fantastic conversation and we caught up on Rugby, old friends and now what they were doing with their lives, and it was so very nice. We both were open to conversation and neither one of us really held back on topics. We talked about some stuff that affected us and molded us into the persons we are today, faith, family, jobs, and over all just a little bit of everything. Which, I think we are pretty cool people personally, BUT I may be a little biased...

Upon being old and tired, we both decided at 11:30pm to call it a night. So we walked back to my car and I literally tossed him my iPod. "Here Mr. DJ...." We listen to similar music so I knew that wasn't going to be a problem. We listened (and sang) to a plethora of post grunge, pop, and some humorous little numbers. As we pulled into my driveway, we concluded our journey with a familiar song: It was full of dramatic arm motions, full out belting, and emotion. There is just nothing that Backstreet Boys can't fix, let me tell you!
So as we were getting ready to go to bed Jimmy comes upon his sleeping arrangement. You see, he sleeps on very firm bed. When he sat down on mine, he sunk. "I CAN'T SLEEP ON THIS!!! IT'S LIKE A TRAMPOLINE!!!" (extreme laughter followed) I just walked away shaking my head. We both had to wake up early not only to get him on the road to his Rugby Camp but to go to Church as well. 6:30am came really quickly around and yet we both were ready and there on time.
It is these types of friendships I just love and cherish. There is just us being friends. Nothing sexual. Nothing controversial. Nothing but pure friends being there for one another. We could be the dorks we were with absolutely no judgement. We could talk about whatever because we knew the other wasn't going to chastise or belittle the other for our mistakes. It was simply the most refreshing Saturday night I have had in a very long time.
One thing our friendship has taught me is that you HAVE to be yourself, shamelessly. Those who get it....well, they get it and those who don't, obviously....well, don't. You shouldn't have to explain yourself. I think what makes this friendship a special one is that we bond on several notes. We are like minded and being same faith and background, we share a similar foundation. We share common interest in sports and activities. We are able to laugh and commiserate over poor relationships and share moments of frustrations.
We allow each other bragging rights with his nieces and nephews. We equally encourage and help build each other up and isn't that what a friend does?
Finding friendships as such just makes me appreciate them so much more as they are few and far between. To find such is so very refreshing and I am forever grateful! Friends such as Jimmy have a special place in my heart.
Do you have friends that you share such a bond with? Care to share? Please comment on our Facebook page or tweet us....we would love to hear about them!
<3 Catie